Existential Muses for Music

Posted: September 7, 2012 by Adam J. Theriault in Uncategorized

Albert Camus’ famous novel The Stranger  is a novella documenting the world of an Absurd Hero.  The story surrounds Mearsault, a French Algerian,  who finds himself questioning the world and his environment.   As he tries to make meaning of the world around him, he realizes that there is no actual meaning to the world and to his own existence.

Existentialism is a complex philosophy.  Yet, the quest for personal meaning in a world of confusion is a common question that humans have asked since the beginning of time.   Both the meaning of life and existentialism have significantly impacted the world of music, art, and our ethics.   The following projects are an Existential Mix that incorporates videos, lyrics, art and the author’s understanding of Existentialism; how and where it exists.

We hope that you enjoy the work that we have done.



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