Archive for September, 2014

The Story Spine- Once Upon a Time…

Posted: September 3, 2014 by Adam J. Theriault in Uncategorized

Topic:  Story Spine

Expectation:  The “backbone” of how to tell a story.   Assignment:  Remember the seven writing prompts for Friday- 9/5

Creativity Warm Up:   Story Spine- Write the Story Spine Prompts on a flashcards.   Create two groups.   The two groups have to make up short stories from the format. Handing out one card at a time.  Each group will have 2 minutes between cards to fill in the information.      

Story Spine-Create a Story Line:  Here is a Basic Story Plot Line.   This can help you spark creativity and make storytelling genius.    Remember these steps…


Once upon a time there was ___.  Every day, ___.  One day ___.   Because of that, ___.  Because of that, ___.  Until finally ___.   Ever since that day_____.


An Filmatic Example: Stranger than Fiction:


  • Where does this clip end in the story spine?   
  • What effect do the animations have on magnifying Harold’s character?
  • What do you think happens next?   
  • What is the story trying to tell us about Harold?  
  • Why is the watch such an important character in the story?     


Here is a Description of the Story Spine:  

This is an idea/tool about the spine of any story. The whole point of the tool is to provide a model for a well-constructed story with a beginning that establishes a routine, an event that breaks the routine, a middle that shows the consequences of having broken the routine, a climax that sets the resolution to the story in motion, and the resolution. It goes like:

  • Once upon a time…
  • Every day…
  • But, one day…
  • Because of that…
  • Because of that…
  • Because of that… n
  • Until, finally…
  • And, ever since then..


Story Spine Graphic Organizer:  

Our Second Group Story Prompt:

A Rock Star wakes up to find that he has aged 20 years overnight.   Create a story spine for this situation.  


Today’s Reading:  

Today’s Reading:   Storytelling is the Ultimate Weapon:  Fast Company

Today’s Multimedia Storytelling Example:   


The Cronulla Riots The Day that Shocked the Nation