TUPAC Changes

Posted: October 10, 2012 by Adam J. Theriault in Uncategorized

Tupac Shakur was born on on June 16, 1971 in Brooklyn, NY. Tupac grew up to become one of California’s most loved and respected rappers, and he lived up to his title. Leading a dangerous rock star life style Tupac found himself in trouble with the law multiple times. One of Tupac’s best selling records was titled “Me against the World”. He also became embroiled in a feud between East Coast and West Coast rappers that most likely lead to his untimely and violent deThe melody is not slow but it is also not fast. Not upbeat or depressing. The first line of the song “i wake up in the morning and i ask myself is life worth living or should i blast myself?” connects to the idea of existentialism because the philosophy “regards human existence as unexplainable”. The line in the song questions is this life worth the everyday struggle we face? Is the up hill battle of life the peak of our miserable duration on earth? Or is death our sweet release. Meursault would most likely feel indifferent to this question because he is unable to feel deep emotions that would persuade his opinion. Meursault shows that he is not effected by most of the emotions that contribute to our everyday decisions as humans. For example he can not tell his girlfriend Marie that he loves her but he can also not tell her why. Without theses emotions to truly connect to a person’s psychical being there is no reason to our lives here on earth.”Give the crack to the kids who the hell cares one less hungry mouth on the welfare” again this line of the song is telling us there is no value to human life, and there is no obligation for us as humans to feel remorse for others. We are only compelled to suffer from things connected directly to us because there is no consequence for neglecting the distress of others.

Tupac talks about the absolute systems that we are uncontrollably born into. “I’m tired of bein’ poor & even worse I’m black my stomach hurts so I’m lookin’ for a purse to snatch Cops give a damn about a negro pull the trigger kill a nigga he’s a hero”. He talks about the fact that he is “tired of being black” he argues that African Americans are treated different by the judicial system in America because of their skin color in which we have no control over. Meursault also faced this problem

This also shows and aspect of absurdity because there is nothing you can do to get away from the fact that you were born with a certain skin color. This idea could also represent anxiety. Anxiety is the feeling of unease you get when you start to recognize that life is absurd.

In the book the stranger Meursault has difficulty connecting with the people in his environment. Although he may interact with Solamano, Raymond and his girlfriend Marie he is just as satisfied being alone with his own thoughts. This is an example of alienation, because he can not truly understand people and they can not understand him. The book conveys that Meursault dose not understand or pick up on most human emotions that are expressed throughout the book therefor he is alienated if he feels it or not. For example when he is at his Mothers funeral he hears a lady crying and tells us that it is annoying to him, when most people would feel pity or empathy.Tupac expresses the feeling of alienation in the line “I got love for my brother but we can never go nowhere unless we share with each other”. He is saying he would like to be able to “share” and understand the people around him but things in the world that people do will not let him. He can not understand why people can do such unethical things and until you can identify will everyones reasoning we will all be alienated. we can not truly understand someone until we can understand everyone.”We gotta start makin’ changes
learn to see me as a brother instead of two distant strangers” in existentialism we are all strangers, we are all individuals even in our absolute systems with the people that we are supposed to understand and the people that are supposed to understand us.

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