Jae Clarke-Randolph

Posted: October 29, 2013 by afinn63 in Uncategorized
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The death penalty is a good thing for society today, it is able to keep people safe, save money, and it deters people from committing serious crimes.  In the essay it persuades the ready to agree with the death penalty.  The readers will end up agreeing with the death penalty due to the valid points made that people against it will end up changing sides.  The overall writing of this is a very persuasive essay that convinces the reader to agree with the death penalty.


Jae Clarke-Randolph



Death Penalty should be Applied in Serious Cases

The death penalty, questioned by most due to how immoral and unethical it is. But I see the death penalty as a positive for society.  I see that if somebody commits a very serious they should be given the death penalty as an option so they cannot harm anyone again because if somebody goes to prison they can get out somehow and continue to keep murdering.  In no way the death penalty should be questioned because if somebody commits a serious crime that involve murder, rape, etc. then the death penalty should be applied in that case.  The death penalty should be used because it can save lives, it can also deter criminals, and is also a lot more cost effective. I am on the side of having the death penalty because it helps gets rid of the dangerous criminals off the streets.


The death penalty is able to save innocent peoples lives and it can also help save prisoners lives as well.  It is able to save lives in prison because then the criminal can still kill the prisoners in the prison.   It is a better protector than a life sentence without bail or a life sentence in general, because the criminal can somehow get out of prison and can start killing people again, because you don’t know if he is crazy in the head still.  If the murder is living in prison they will always find someway to escape the prison and go on another rampage again.  For each inmate that is put to death, there is three to 18 murders are prevented.  Dudley Sharp said, “Executed murderers never murder again.”  I agree with him because if the murder is gone there is no need to worry about being killed by a murderer finding you because he is gone.  There is no way to tell if criminals are still prone to being violent if they are taken into prison.  With criminals being executed by the death penalty it helps saves people’s lives.


What most people fear the most is to be dead, so what should deter criminals is the death penalty and that will deter murder.  Deterrence is a way that the death penalty is a good idea to keep in mind. By making a criminal an example of what could happen to others who try to commit very serious crimes.  Death will deter the criminals because most people do not want to die for their consequences if the law apprehends them.  With criminals knowing their consequences they will be more hesitant to pursue that crime because the risk of the death penalty.  A life in prison is less feared and not as much of a deterrent because murders/criminals know it is possible to escape prison, and go back to a life of crime.  The risk of apprehension and a much bigger risk of dying deter the criminals from committing crimes due to the fact they could be killed.  Therefore, we have to continuously to execute these murderers to ensure that people do not try to commit these crimes.  If murderers were executed for what their crimes they wouldn’t do it, but since they are sent to prison, murderers do not even care so they continue to commit these crimes.  Deterrence is a good reason to have the death penalty because it can stop harsh crimes, but also people will think before they act.


People say that the cost of putting a criminal in prison is a lot cheaper than having them die from the death penalty, but overtime the cost of a life in prison without bail is costs more than a death sentence in the long run.  The death penalty also makes the taxpayers dollars; no longer support the criminals in jail.  Upfront the death penalty is more money, but as years go on the death penalty becomes cheaper than a LWOP (Life without parole).  A criminal will always appeal their sentence and it will end costing the same as it would if they received the death penalty.  Criminals will appeal no matter what, and in that process is where the cost of the death penalty becomes less money than a life sentence because of the money that is put in the appeal process.  The price of keeping a person in prison, for life is a lot more money, than having them be executed. The cost efficiency of the death penalty is questioned by most, but studies do show that the death penalty is cost efficient and is a good choice for instead of a life sentence for these criminals.

People will say that my facts are completely wrong and that I shouldn’t think that the death penalty should be a good idea and it isn’t moral but I believe the morality of the death penalty is completely reasonable because in the cases of murder, rape, torture, etc. it is in reason to have the death penalty.  I am right about the death penalty because of my reasoning’s.  There is no doubt that the death penalty does save lives because you’re keeping a possible murderer out of the prison where they could kill the prisoners, or they could escape the prison and start killing people again.  The cost of death will deter the criminals because no one wants to die, but criminals will deal with being in prison and could possibly escape prison.  People will argue that the cost of the death penalty is a lot more than having somebody put in prison but in the long run the cost of the death penalty will be less in the long run.  It is very obvious that the death penalty is something that should not be questioned and should be used more often.


The death penalty should be used when the cases are very serious because then the criminal should be punished to the fullest extent.  The points made earlier have persuaded you to agree with me especially on the case of how the death penalty can save lives.  How the death penalty saves lives is because if you put them into prison they can still be hostile and kill the other prisoners, also the murderer can escape the prison.  The fact that a person can do that makes the death penalty a completely reasonable thing and should be used because of that possibility.  The cost of the death penalty is a reasonable choice when compared overtime with a life sentence without bail because of the appeal process that a prisoner will make which then will add up to the same amount.  Deterrence is a good way to have the death penalty due to the fact that nobody likes to die, so by making the death penalty the highest means of punishment criminals will think before they act.  The death penalty is by far a very reasonable way to convict criminals and by no means not moral.  Hopefully in the future more states will opt in for the death penalty because they see how good it can be.

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